viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Shining Stars of Europe

Así viene redactado el Concurso presentado por la Unión Europea, para todos los públicos en el siguiente  enlace

Show us your wish for Europe in a video clip of less than 90 seconds!
Deadline for submission: 1 May 2014

All forms of expression and all languages are welcome. Their are no age limits for participation!

Winners will be elected on 9th May 2014:
Strasbourg: European Youth Event, European Parliament, from 5pm to 7pm
Luxembourg: from 7pm to 9pm

Voting will count as follows: 20% internet voting, 40% public voting at the event and 40% jury vote.
Everybody is welcome to participate, all ages and all over the planet!
First prize:          1000 €
Second prize:    750 €
Third prize:         500 €

All prizes also include a travel in Europe to present your wish to European decision makers. In this respect, a maximum of 450 € can be reimbursed for travel and hotel costs as well as daily allowances.
Three more winners will be reimbursed up to 450 € to present their ideas to European decision-makers!
Prizes will be determined by public voting as well as a jury.
Preliminary prizes will be given to online voting winners on a monthly basis, as soon as 5 videos have been submitted!
Take your chance to shape our future!

¡Anímate! Vas-y! Take your chance!

2 comentarios:

  1. Estáis haciendo un gran trabajo.
    El verdadero premio ya lo tenéis pero no estaría mal conseguir el otro.
    Ánimo y seguid adelante!!

    1. ¡¡Muchas gracias Pilar!! Es verdad que estamos haciendo un gran trabajo, no te lo voy a negar... Estos chicos están aprendiendo muchísimo, y yo de ellos. Sus palabras han sido EntusiasmoUnidadRespectoOptimismoPositivismoHorasRisasIlusiónAmistad (E.U.R.O.P.H.O.R.I.A.)....¡Con estos, ya hemos ganado ;-))
